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  • Heating

    General introduction to heating goes here. Nam iaculis nisl sem. Aliquam non justo vel ante egestas laoreet at non nibh. Quisque rhoncus luctus mi vel aliquet. Phasellus non neque id nulla consequat tempor non ultricies justo. Vestibulum condimentum blandit magna eget dictum. Ut mi quam, hendrerit non ligula non, aliquet consequat nisi. Nunc sit amet tempor felis.

  • Some nice words about the Alpha concentric flue bend 90 deg
    Ex VAT:£64.00 Incl VAT:£64.00 MORE DETAILS
  • Here's some words about the Baxi natural gas combi boiler that we sell at TDA Plumber's Merchants.
    Ex VAT:£700.00 Incl VAT:£700.00 MORE DETAILS
  • Here's some nice words about our Baxi natural gas heat-only boiler.
    Ex VAT:£0.00 Incl VAT:£0.00 MORE DETAILS
  • Some nice words about the Baxi twin pipe support dimension 80 mm outer diameter
    Ex VAT:£64.00 Incl VAT:£64.00 MORE DETAILS

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